Home of Music's Most Influential Drummers

Enjoy 12 Great Digital Issues
Courtesy of The Bryant Group team.

Anyone brave enough to open Rolling Stone knows that an obsession with best-of lists is a symptom of male narcissistic personality disorder. I mean, they’re everywhere. Maybe it all began sensibly enough, with just a nod to someone’s favorite album, but it’s since evolved beyond all reason: lists endlessly shuffled and reshuffled, as if by the John Cusack character in High Fidelity, trying to make sense of his serial disasters with women by constantly ranking and re-ranking not just songs but for all I know individual hooks and riffs and fills as well. Even if you disagree with the choices about half the time (and what use is a list if you can’t argue with it?), it’s reassuring proof that despite or because of all the other toys of our distracted age, people still care passionately about music.
The question is, of course, which people and what music? continued . . .
Simply click the cover to enjoy these digital issues of Classic Drummer Magazine with our compliments.

Classic Drummer Magazine's Large Text feature makes reading from your phone or tablet super easy!
Simply click any article's title for a text version with adjustable font sizes. Backlit black text on a white background is actually easier to read than print on paper. No pinching and stretching required. Not only that, media clips featuring T.O.P. Live, Ringo on his iconic kit and Peter Erskine's new release make Classic Drummer's Digital Issue THE way to access Music's Most Influential Drummers
(Available on Vol. 14 Issue 1 through Vol.19 Issue 1).
Classic Drummer Print Back Issue Bundle Blowout
17 New Old Stock Magazines / Uncirculated
$34.95 + $5.95 Shipping
email Classic Drummer Founder Billy Jeansonne: billyjeansonne@att.net
17 Available Back Issues (NOS) New / Uncirculated Titles include:
ElvinJones, Frank DeVito\HalBlaine, PaulEnglish, Chad Cromwell, Carmine Appice,
Garry Peterson, Bobby Caldwell / Don Brewer, Ron Tutt, Stanton Moore, Carl Palmer, Pete Best,
Denny Seiwell, Kenny Jones, Michael Shrieve, Doane Perry and Jim Chapin
Single Issue Cost - $4.95 + $1.50 Shipping
Will ship USA only. Note: Some issues are titled Vintage Drummer before name change.